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  1. Low disease prevalence and lack of uniform reference standards in primary care induce methodological challenges for investigating the diagnostic accuracy of a test. We present a study design that copes with th...

    Authors: Gea A Holtman, Leeuwen Yvonne Lisman-van, Boudewijn J Kollen, Johanna C Escher, Angelika Kindermann, Rheenen Patrick F van and Marjolein Y Berger
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:179
  2. As primary care practices evolve into medical homes, there is an increasing need for effective models to shift from visit-based to population-based strategies for care. However, most medical teams lack tools a...

    Authors: Stella M Savarimuthu, Ashley E Jensen, Antoinette Schoenthaler, Anne Dembitzer, Craig Tenner, Colleen Gillespie, Mark D Schwartz and Scott E Sherman
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:176
  3. Primary care provides most of the evidence-based chronic disease prevention and screening services offered by the healthcare system. However, there remains a gap between recommended preventive services and act...

    Authors: Eva Grunfeld, Donna Manca, Rahim Moineddin, Kevin E Thorpe, Jeffrey S Hoch, Denise Campbell-Scherer, Christopher Meaney, Jess Rogers, Jaclyn Beca, Paul Krueger and Muhammad Mamdani
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:175
  4. Cases of emerging infectious diseases, including H5N1 influenza, H7N9 influenza, and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome, have been reported in recent years, and the threat of pandemic outbreaks persists. In Japa...

    Authors: Taro Tomizuka, Yasuhiro Kanatani and Kazuo Kawahara
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:174
  5. Burnout syndrome is an important health problem that affects many professionals and must be addressed globally, with both organizational measures and personal interventions. Burnout of health professionals can...

    Authors: Tomás Gómez-Gascón, Jesús Martín-Fernández, Macarena Gálvez-Herrer, Ester Tapias-Merino, Milagros Beamud-Lagos and José Carlos Mingote-Adán
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:173
  6. The UK Department of Health introduced the National Health Service (NHS) Health Check Programme in April 2009 in an attempt to improve primary and secondary prevention of cardiovascular disease in the UK popul...

    Authors: Stephanie Honey, Louise D Bryant, Jenny Murray, Kate Hill and Allan House
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:172
  7. Nurses in Denmark have been increasingly involved in general practice care, which may have implications for the role of the general practitioner (GP) and patients’ experience of primary care. The aim of this s...

    Authors: Karen Busk Nørøxe, Grete Moth, Helle Terkildsen Maindal and Peter Vedsted
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:171
  8. Gout is estimated to affect 1.4% of adults in the UK. Appropriate and timely management is essential to reduce the risk of further flares, complications, and to reduce cardiovascular disease risk. The British ...

    Authors: Elizabeth Cottrell, Valerie Crabtree, John J Edwards and Edward Roddy
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:170
  9. ACCEPt, a large cluster randomized control trial, aims to determine if annual testing for 16 to 29 year olds in general practice can reduce chlamydia prevalence. ACCEPt is the first trial investigating the pot...

    Authors: Rebecca Lorch, Jane Hocking, Meredith Temple-Smith, Matthew Law, Anna Yeung, Anna Wood, Alaina Vaisey, Basil Donovan, Christopher K Fairley, John Kaldor and Rebecca Guy
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:169
  10. A virtual professional community of practice (VCoP), HOBE+, has been set up to foster and facilitate innovation in primary care. It is aimed at all primary care professionals of the Basque Public Health Servic...

    Authors: Galder Abos Mendizabal, Roberto Nuño Solinís and Irune Zaballa González
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:168
  11. Assessment and management of symptoms is a main task in primary care. Symptoms may be defined as 'any subjective evidence of a health problem as perceived by the patient’. In other words, symptoms do not appea...

    Authors: Marianne Rosendal, Dorte Ejg Jarbøl, Anette Fischer Pedersen and Rikke Sand Andersen
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:167
  12. The process of initiating and maintaining healthy lifestyle behaviours is complex, includes a number of distinct phases and is not static. Theoretical models of behaviour change consider psychological construc...

    Authors: Suzanne H McKenzie and Mark F Harris
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:166
  13. Studies have shown a correlation between gender and an ability to change lifestyle to reduce the risk of disease. However, the results of these studies are ambiguous, especially where a healthy lifestyle is co...

    Authors: Ireneusz Szymczyk, Ewa Wojtyna, Witold Lukas, Joanna Kępa and Teresa Pawlikowska
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:165
  14. Many Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (T2DM) patients refuse insulin therapy even when they require this modality of treatment. However, some eventually accept insulin. This study aimed to explore the T2DM patients’ r...

    Authors: Hasliza Abu Hassan, Hizlinda Tohid, Rahmah Mohd Amin, Mohamed Badrulnizam Long Bidin, Leelavathi Muthupalaniappen and Khairani Omar
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:164
  15. Patient-provider communication, in particular physicians’ ability to listen to their patients, and support them in making difficult lifestyle changes, is an essential component of effective diabetes care. Clin...

    Authors: Patricia Hudelson, Melissa Dominicé Dao, Noelle Junod Perron and Alexander Bischoff
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:163
  16. The Egyptian government is considering embarking on a new wave of health sector reform. Although primary care is seen as central to the anticipated reforms, little is known about the current morbidity and util...

    Authors: Ahmed Aboulghate, Gary Abel, Georgios Lyratzopoulos, Aida Abdelmohsen, Ahmed R Hamed and Martin Roland
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:161
  17. The General Practice Assessment Questionnaire (GPAQ) has been widely used to assess patient experience in general practice in the UK since 2004. In 2013, new regulations were introduced by the General Medical ...

    Authors: Martin Roland, Martin Roberts, Valerie Rhenius and John Campbell
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:160
  18. Cigarette smoking remains the leading preventable cause of death and disease. Thus, all activities aiming to reduce smoking play an important role in improving population health. The positive role of the gener...

    Authors: Krzysztof Buczkowski, Ludmila Marcinowicz, Slawomir Czachowski, Elwira Piszczek and Agnieszka Sowinska
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:159
  19. Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory skin disease affecting approximately 2% of the UK population and is currently incurable. It produces profound effects on psychological wellbeing and social functioning and ...

    Authors: Pauline A Nelson, Zoë Barker, Christopher EM Griffiths, Lis Cordingley and Carolyn A Chew-Graham
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:158
  20. Primary care-based care management (CM) could reduce hospital admissions in high-risk patients. Identification of patients most likely to benefit is needed as resources for CM are limited. This study aimed to ...

    Authors: Tobias Freund, Matthias Gondan, Justine Rochon, Frank Peters-Klimm, Stephen Campbell, Michel Wensing and Joachim Szecsenyi
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:157
  21. Obesity, a threatening pandemic, has an important public health implication. Before proper medication is available, primary care providers will have a distinguished role in prevention and management. Their per...

    Authors: Imre Rurik, Péter Torzsa, István Ilyés, Endre Szigethy, Eszter Halmy, Gabriella Iski, László Róbert Kolozsvári, Lajos Mester, Csaba Móczár, József Rinfel, Lajos Nagy and László Kalabay
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:156
  22. Lack of patient involvement in decision making has been suggested as one reason for limited treatment success. Concepts such as shared decision making may contribute to high quality healthcare by supporting pa...

    Authors: Susanne Buhse, Tabitha Heller, Jürgen Kasper, Ingrid Mühlhauser, Ulrich Alfons Müller, Thomas Lehmann and Matthias Lenz
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:155
  23. Chest pain is a common complaint and reason for consultation in primary care. Traditional textbooks still assign pain localization a certain discriminative role in the differential diagnosis of chest pain. The...

    Authors: Stefan Bösner, Katharina Bönisch, Jörg Haasenritter, Patrice Schlegel, Eyke Hüllermeier and Norbert Donner-Banzhoff
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:154
  24. Within the health system, communication between the different levels of care is essential for the patients’ clinical pathways and medical treatment. This includes the referral process: how and why patients are...

    Authors: Olav Thorsen, Miriam Hartveit and Anders Baerheim
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:153
  25. Care for overweight children in general practice involves collaboration with parents. Acknowledging the parents’ frames of references is a prerequisite for successful management. We therefore aimed to analyse ...

    Authors: Merethe K Andersen, Bo Christensen and Jens Søndergaard
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:152
  26. Data on the prevalence of depression and on how a depressive episode prompts the sufferer to seek primary care are not scarce, but the available evidence on the prevalence of depression among immigrants and po...

    Authors: Claire Rondet, Philippe Cornet, Bacha Kaoutar, Jacques Lebas and Pierre Chauvin
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:151
  27. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) are known to be at increased risk of vascular disease. It is not known whether screening for vascular risk factors occurs in primary care. The aim of this study was to d...

    Authors: Helen L Monk, Sara Muller, Christian D Mallen and Samantha L Hider
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:150
  28. The current research into single nucleotide polymorphisms has extended the role of genetic testing to the identification of increased risk for common medical conditions. Advances in genetic research may soon n...

    Authors: Masanobu Okayama, Taro Takeshima, Ryusuke Ae, Masanori Harada and Eiji Kajii
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:149
  29. There are several guidelines dealing with the management of low back pain (LBP), but only few studies on the quality of care provided within General Practices as judged against those guidelines.

    Authors: Giuliano Piccoliori, Adolf Engl, Doris Gatterer, Emiliano Sessa, Jürgen in der Schmitten and Heinz-Harald Abholz
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:148
  30. People living with chronic disease currently account for the majority of the total healthcare costs. The Central Denmark Region implemented a disease management programme (DMP) for chronic obstructive pulmonar...

    Authors: Margrethe Smidth, Frede Olesen, Morten Fenger-Grøn and Peter Vedsted
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:147
  31. There has been created an online communication tool with the objective to improve the communication among different levels of care, between Primary Care clinicians and Specialists. This tool is web 2.0 based t...

    Authors: David Lacasta Tintorer, Souhel Flayeh Beneyto, Xavier Alzaga Reig, Xavier Mundet Tuduri, Josep Anton De la Fuente, Josep Maria Manresa, Pere Torán Monserrat and Francesc Saigí Rubió
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:146
  32. Organisational problems contribute to many errors in healthcare delivery. Our objective was to identify the most important organisational items in primary care which could be targeted by programs to improve pa...

    Authors: Joost Johan Godert Wammes, Wim Verstappen, Sander Gaal and Michel Wensing
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:145
  33. The numbers of learners seeking placements in general practice is rapidly increasing as an ageing workforce impacts on General Practitioner availability. The traditional master apprentice model that involves o...

    Authors: Christine M Ahern, Thea F van de Mortel, Peter L Silberberg, Janet A Barling and Sabrina W Pit
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:144
  34. Overweight and obesity in younger children could better be brought in focus through a deeper understanding of how Child Health Care nurses (CHC-nurses) perceive their work with the problems of overweight at th...

    Authors: Gabriella E Isma, Ann-Cathrine Bramhagen, Gerd Ahlstrom, Margareta Östman and Anna-Karin Dykes
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:143
  35. The introduction of efficacious physical activity interventions in primary health care is a complex process. Understanding factors influencing the process can enhance the development of effective introduction ...

    Authors: Johanna M Huijg, Mathilde R Crone, Marieke W Verheijden, Nicolette van der Zouwe, Barend JC Middelkoop and Winifred A Gebhardt
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:142
  36. Acute illness is common in childhood, and it is difficult for healthcare professionals to distinguish seriously ill children from the vast majority with minor or self-limiting illnesses. Safety netting provide...

    Authors: Caroline HD Jones, Sarah Neill, Monica Lakhanpaul, Damian Roland, Hayley Singlehurst-Mooney and Matthew Thompson
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:140
  37. Frequently attending patients to primary care (FA) are likely to cost more in primary care than their non-frequently attending counterparts. But how much is spent on specialist care of FAs? We describe the hea...

    Authors: Frans T Smits, Henk J Brouwer, Aeilko H Zwinderman, Jacob Mohrs, Hugo M Smeets, Judith E Bosmans, Aart H Schene, Henk C Van Weert and Gerben ter Riet
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:138
  38. Previous studies have shown the importance of paying attention to lay peoples’ interpretations of risk of disease, in order to explain health-related behavior. However, risk interpretations interplay with soci...

    Authors: Pia Kirkegaard, Adrian Edwards, Mette Bech Risør and Janus Laust Thomsen
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:137
  39. The use of unscheduled out of hours medical care is related to the social status of the patient. However, the social variance in the patient’s preference for a hospital based versus a primary care based facili...

    Authors: Sara Willems, Wim Peersman, Philippe De Maeyer, Walter Buylaert, Jan De Maeseneer and Peter De Paepe
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:136
  40. Hypertension is one of the key factors causing cardiovascular diseases. A substantial proportion of treated hypertensive patients do not reach recommended target blood pressure values. Shared decision making (...

    Authors: Iris Tinsel, Anika Buchholz, Werner Vach, Achim Siegel, Thorsten Dürk, Angela Buchholz, Wilhelm Niebling and Karl-Georg Fischer
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:135
  41. Healthy body weight (HBW) determination affects multiple aspects of eating disorder (ED) treatment. For example, it can inform patients and providers as to when return of menses (ROM), an objective determinant...

    Authors: Megan E Harrison, Nicole Obeid, Maeghan CY Fu and Mark L Norris
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:134
  42. Goal setting is a recommended approach in clinical care that can help individuals with multi-morbidities and their caregivers manage chronic conditions. In this paper, the types of goals that were important fo...

    Authors: Kerry Kuluski, Ashlinder Gill, Gayathri Naganathan, Ross Upshur, R Liisa Jaakkimainen and Walter P Wodchis
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:133
  43. This integrative review synthesises research studies that have investigated the perceptions of nurse practitioners and medical practitioners working in primary health care. The aggregation of evidence on barri...

    Authors: Verena Schadewaldt, Elizabeth McInnes, Janet E Hiller and Anne Gardner
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:132
  44. The burden of cardiovascular disease is growing in the Mesoamerican region. Patients’ disease self-management is an important contributor to control of cardiovascular disease. Few studies have explored factors...

    Authors: Meredith P Fort, Nadia Alvarado-Molina, Liz Peña, Carlos Mendoza Montano, Sandra Murrillo and Homero Martínez
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:131
  45. Determinants of vitamin D status measured as 25-OH-vitamin D in blood are exposure to sunlight and intake of vitamin D through food and supplements. It is unclear how large the contributions are from these det...

    Authors: Anne Björk, Åsa Andersson, Gunnar Johansson, Karin Björkegren, Annika Bardel and Per Kristiansson
    Citation: BMC Family Practice 2013 14:129

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