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Table 1 Classification of eHealth

From: The impact of eHealth on relationships and trust in primary care: a review of reviews



Management systems

“…allow for the acquisition, storage, transmission, and display of administrative or clinical activities related to patients, such as Electronic Health Records (EHRs) or Electronic Medical Records (EMRs).”

Communication systems

“…can be used for diagnostic, management, counseling, educational or support purposes” and “can be implemented to facilitate communication between health professionals or between health professionals and patients”, like email, mobile phones, telemedicine.

Computerized Decision Support Systems (CDSSs)

“…automated systems accessible from various devices, such as computer, mobile phone, or personal digital assistants (PDAs)” that “support decision-making for health professionals and assist them in practicing within clinical guidelines and care pathways”.

Information systems

“…refer to the use of Internet technology to access health-related information sources” like web-based resources and eHealth portals.

  1. Source: Mair et al. [15] as cited in Rouleau et al. [53]