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Table 2 Hierarchical table of themes and subthemes

From: Physical activity advice given by French general practitioners for low back pain and the role of digital e-health applications: a qualitative study

I. GPs discuss PA with their low back pain patients

a. General advice

b. Advice tailored to their patients

c. Advice focused on their experiences (patients and doctors)

d. Barriers to the practicing PA

II. Use of physiotherapists

a. GPs judge them to be better trained on giving PA advice

b. Active and safe work

c. Tailored and reproducible exercises

d. Supervision that promotes patient compliance

e. Accessibility issues

III. Mobile applications are little known to GPs

a. Connected tools that are part of the evolution of society and health

i. Reliable and complete content

ii. Ease of accessibility

iii. Strengthening medical discourse

iv. Motivational help for the patient

b. The obstacles to their use according to the MG