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Table 3 Variable valuation table

From: The formation mechanism of primary health care team effectiveness : a qualitative comparative analysis research

Variable Type


Secondary Variables


Conditional Variables

Structural Dimension

Personnel Allocation  (PA)

If sufficient manpower is available in my team to provide complete PHC services, the value of 1 is given, otherwise 0

Team Structure  (TS)

If members in my team have the service ability and skills needed by the team and have different academic backgrounds, they can provide diverse perspectives and experience for team work, the value of 1 is given, otherwise 0

Team Cohesiveness  (TC)

If members in my team have similar values and it was clear that they were a team, the value of 1 is given, otherwise 0

Clear Goals  (CG)

If members in my team have a clear and unambiguous understanding of the division of labor between themselves and others, the value of 1 is given, otherwise 0

Process Dimension

Coordination and Cooperation  (CC)

If members in my team actively seek cooperation among themselves and can be provided with useful ideas and practical help from other members, the value of 1 is given, otherwise 0

Conflict Management and Resolution  (CMR)

If the team I work for faces up to the differences among members and tries to solve them, the team has a sound conflict management mechanism, the value of 1 is given, otherwise 0

Communication and Information Sharing  (CIS)

If members in my team can carry out good communication and mutual understanding, they can obtain accurate information about patients from other members, and will actively provide information about patients to other team members, the value of 1 is given, otherwise 0

Result Variables

Outcome Dimension

Perception of Team Effectiveness  (PTE)

If we can always achieve our team goals and I believe that our team is efficient and the quality of our service is high, the value of 1 is given, otherwise 0