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Table 4 Potential trial participation

From: Molluscum contagiosum survey – common approach and attitude towards treatment and research in Dutch general practice

GPs willingness to participate

Willing to participate in Mollusca trial (N = 129)


 Yes (%)

27 (20.9)

 No (%)

53 (41.1)

 Doubt (%)

49 (38.0)

Reason for unwillingness or doubt* (N = 102)


 Non-supportive of curettage (%)

33 (32.4)

 Non-supportive of cryotherapy (%)

21 (20.6)

 Not willing to perform curettage (%)

19 (18.6)

 Not meaningful (%)

15 (14.7)

 Not feasible (%)

6 (5.9)

 Not willing to perform cryotherapy (%)

6 (5.9)

 Other (mostly practical in nature) (%)

43 (42.2)

According to GP estimated % of parents willing to participate


 Mean % (SD)

30.2 (21.8)

Parents willingness to let their children participate

Willing to participate in trial in case of MC (N = 105)


 Yes (%)

61 (58.1)

 No (%)

20 (19.0)

 In doubt (%)

24 (22.9)

Reason for unwillingness or doubt (N = 44)


 Potential side effects (pain, scar formation) (%)

19 (43.2)

 Expecting little or no symptoms (%)

12 (27.3)

 Rather choose treatment (no randomization) (%)

11 (25.0)

 Opting out for curettage (%)

10 (22.7)

 Opting out for cryotherapy (%)

4 (9.1)

 Opting out expectative management (%)

0 (0)

 Other (%)

8 (18.2)

Willing to participate if able to choose Tx (N = 105)


 Yes (%)

80 (76.2)

 No (%)

25 (23.8)

If participating, objection if treatment not provided by own GP (N = 105)


 No objection (%)

85 (81.0)

 Yes, objection (%)

13 (12.4)

 Doubt (%)

7 (6.7)

  1. GP = general practitioner, N = number of responding GPs OR parents, * = item with multiple answer option, SD = standard deviation