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Table 5 Frailty factors not achieving consensus (n = 3)

From: Perspectives on the representation of frailty in the electronic frailty index

Frailty Factor

Clinical Definition

Rating Round: Mean (SD)

(Rating ≥ 8) Round, n (%)


High blood pressure; develops when blood flows through the arteries at higher-than-normal pressures [44]

Round 1: 6.17 (2.44)

Round 1, 9 (39)

Round 2: 7.39 (1.70)

Round 2, 14 (61)

Round 3: 7.74 (1.45)

Round 3, 17 (74)

Peptic Ulcer

Sores to stomach/small intestine lining [44]

Round 1: 5.78 (2.33)

Round 1, 8 (35)

Round 2: 6.45 (1.87)a

Round 2, 10 (43)

Round 3: 7.26 (1.42)

Round 3, 13 (57)

Thyroid Disease

Condition that keeps the thyroid from producing the right amount of hormones (i.e. too much or too little) [44]

Round 1: 5.13 (2.36)

Round 1, 4 (17)

Round 2: 5.87 (1.98)

Round 2, 8 (35)

Round 3: 6.74 (1.54)

Round 3, 13 (57)

  1. aPeptic Ulcer Round 2: One panelist rated this factor as “either 7 or 9”: This mean and standard deviation does not include this participant’s ratings