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Table 7 Characteristics the patient trainer must have or acquire to be an effective trainer

From: The impact of patients as trainers on registered nurses’ patient engagement in primary care clinics: a qualitative study


Characteristics of an effective patient trainers



Ability to tell experiential knowledge and make it clear

"(…) the patient trainers talked to us about their experience, their good experiences and their not so good experiences, (…) it's always appreciated to see a little the vision of the patient versus us as professionals.” (RN1)


Capacity to interact with registered nurse

"I found it very interesting to talk with the client but, you know, not in a care context but in a context just like that of research and then to know how the client can feel” (RN4)


Ability to convey andragogical content and methodologies effectively and accurately

"(…) yesterday I had another patient partner in another context, it had the same effect, it's so tangible, so I think that the patient partner, we have to go towards that, and it has been a few experiences of patient partners, I had another one in a context as well, and me it remains, the stories of the people, we work with the people, so I think that as a health care staff, we have this sensitivity that a true story in an educational intervention context will mark us more than an educational intervention practically online, that we will do by ourselves, we will listen, but put a testimony in there and then it seems that, but in any case, for me, an online educational intervention versus a testimony of a person who lived it, there I understand them, it just scanned, so for me, I like the patient partners. They are in the best position to share their experiences so that we can improve on what they have experienced” (RN7)


Being actively engaged in the role of PT in educational intervention

"What impressed me was especially their involvement, I think. They are motivated, they want to, but I find that the fact that they are so motivated is because they have lived through things that they probably found difficult, surely there were good sides as well despite everything” (RN8)


Create an atmosphere favourable to reflexivity

"Well, it makes them aware of how they can feel, but on the other hand, I am also a patient at certain times, so it's not unknown how they can feel. I don't have a chronic illness, but I have had problems where I had to consult so that you can understand, but it was. Still, it was touching; it didn't leave you indifferent.” (RN2)