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Table 3 Differences in management between patients with codified diagnosed knee OA versus narratively diagnosed knee OA on index date

From: Patterns of knee osteoarthritis management in general practice: a retrospective cohort study using electronic health records


Codified diagnosed patients

(n = 203)

Narratively diagnosed patients

(n = 300)

Absolute difference (%) (95%CI) †

Total number of consultations, median (IQR)

3 (2– 5)

3 (2–4)


Wait-and-see/ watchful waiting, n (%)

42 (20.7)

27 (23.3)

2.6% (-0.10–0.05)

Advice, n (%)

64 (31.5)

83 (27.7)

-3.8% (-0.04–0.12)

Medication prescription or advice, n (%)

100 (49.3)

143 (47.7)

-1.6% (-0.08–0.10)

Intra-articular injection, n (%)

33 (16.3)

24 (8.0)

-8.3% (-0.15 - -0.02)

Aids and devices, n (%)

16 (7.9)

13 (4.3)

-3.6% (-0.08–0.01)

Diagnostic work-up, n (%)

124 (61.1)

221 (73.7)

12.6% (0.21–0.04)

Recommendation of/referral to other primary care practitioners, n (%)

58 (28.6)

95 (31.7)

3.1% (-0.05–0.12)

Referral to secondary care, n (%)

111 (54.7)

173 (57.7)

3.0% (-0.06–0.12)

  1. Note: 95% CI = 95% confidence interval; † Codified diagnosed patients versus narratively diagnosed patients, assessed using the Chi-squared test with Yates’s continuity correction; Bold values are statistically significant at 5% level