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Table 2 Differences in management between patients who received an X-ray and patients who did not receive an X-ray during the total observation period

From: Patterns of knee osteoarthritis management in general practice: a retrospective cohort study using electronic health records


Patients without X-ray referral (n = 185)

Patients with X-ray referral (n = 318)

Absolute difference

(%) (95%CI) †

Total number of consultations, median (IQR)

2 (1–3)

3 (2–5)


Wait-and-see/ watchful waiting, n (%)

34 (18.4)

78 (24.5)

6.1% (-0.02–0.14)

Advice, n (%)

45 (24.3)

102 (32.1)

7.8% (-0.01–0.16)

Medication prescription or advice, n (%)

68 (36.6)

175 (55.0)

18.4% (0.09–0.28)

Intra-articular injection, n (%)

17 (9.2)

40 (12.6)

3.4% (-0.03–0.09)

Aids and devices, n (%)

10 (5.4)

19 (6.0)

0.6% (-0.04–0.05)

Recommendation of/referral to other primary care practitioners, n (%)

37 (20.0)

147 (46.2)

26.2% (0.08–0.25)

Referral to secondary care, n (%)

137 (74.1)

174 (54.7)

-19.4% (-0.37 - -0.19)

  1. Note: 95% CI = 95% confidence interval; † Patients without X-ray referral versus with X-ray referral, assessed using the Chi-squared test with Yates’s continuity correction; Bold values are statistically significant at 5% level