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Table 3 Resources to support GPs and carers

From: Supporting family carers in general practice: a scoping review of clinical guidelines and recommendations

Resources to support GPs in their role with carers

Carer Assessment tool (s) [2, 13, 26, 44, 48, 51,52,53]

URL Links to online resources [13]

Information on resources related to caregiver support agencies, education resources, online resources, bereavement helplines, community-based health services, condition-specific supports and hospice [5].

Information sheet on financial benefits for family caregivers as part of toolkit/GP Resource [5]

Links to examples of where practices had implemented carer support [14]

Information on technology or Apps that can support carers in their role [13]

Link to carer resource page available on GP professional institute [3]

Resources to support practices to implement recommendations [14]:

A step-by-step guide to developing a practice action plan

A self-assessment checklist for auditing how a practice supports carers.

Resources to support Carers (to be given by GP or practice)

Carer Information pack [14]

Handout/pamphlet/leaflet for carers covering [13]:

Who is considered a caregiver?

What the benefits and challenges to caregiving are

What the doctor can do to help

How carers can help themselves

Where more information can be found

A letter explaining the how the practice can support them [24]

‘Who to call’ fridge magnet with useful numbers [24] (for those approaching end of life)