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Table 1 Examples of the data analysis process

From: Health care professionals’ experiences and perceptions of health promotion through the health dialogue intervention in the scania region, Sweden: a qualitative interview study

Meaning unit

Condensed meaning unit




It will have a great effect I think, on those who want help. Because I mean, in the end, it is voluntary and unfortunately, there are probably many who would have needed it who declined. Uhm, but sure I think it can be, it will take time, it probably will, but I think we will see great results in 10–15 years, by starting something like this. I think the burden on health care can decrease, absolutely, I believe so. That people take more responsibility for their health and, kind of, do not need to seek health care because of health problems they get out of a bad lifestyle. So, I absolutely think it will have a positive effect.

Informant 10

This can have a great effect. Voluntary so many who need it might decline. Takes time to see results but probably great effect in 10–15 years. Decrease the burden on health care. Make people take responsibility for their health.

Decrease the burden on health care through awareness and lifestyle choices.

Encourage a healthy lifestyle in the whole population

A more health promoting mindset would benefit primary health care

Primarily the participants realize that their current lifestyle does not look so good. Many live in denial, that I am healthy, then there is no reason I will not be healthy in the future. But when they get it on paper, that this is an unhealthy behaviour, regarding heart health, then they have realized that they can change some habits. Many are perceived as motivated to change and also happy to get to know that there is potential for healthier habits. Informant 1

The participants realize that their current lifestyle is not so good. Many live in denial that they feel good now, and do not see any risk of not feeling good in the future. Unhealthy habits on paper give insights. Motivated to change.

Many live in denial but health status on paper gives insights and motivation to change.

A chance to stop and reflect if changes are needed

Empower the participants