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Table 3 Adjusted odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals of unmet health-related social needs (HRSN) by age, sex and survey language

From: Burden of unmet health-related social needs in an academic adult primary care practice in San Francisco California


Age 18–64

(ref. 65+)


(ref. Male)

Chinese survey language

(ref. English)

Spanish survey language

(ref. English)

Housing instability

1.59 (0.87, 2.93)

1.42 (0.81, 2.48)

1.97 (0.82, 4.71)

1.21 (0.35, 4.17)

At least 1 housing condition related issue

2.10 (1.41, 3.12)

1.40 (0.97, 2.01)

1.32 (0.68, 2.55)

1.55 (0.69, 3.45)

Food insecurity

1.47 (0.97, 2.23)

1.45 (0.98, 2.15)

1.57 (0.80, 3.05)

3.98 (1.87, 8.50)

Transportation problems

1.26 (0.73, 2.16)

1.27 (0.76, 2.14)

0.52 (0.15, 1.80)

3.14 (1.32, 7.44)

Utility help needs

1.43 (0.69, 2.95)

2.60 (1.21, 5.60)

0.93 (0.26, 3.34)

1.05 (0.24, 4.66)

Positive screen for interpersonal violence (score 11–20)

1.44 (0.52, 4.00)

3.10 (1.02, 9.48)

0.59 (0.07, 4.86)

1.00 (1.00, 1.00)

Financial strain

1.75 (1.22, 2.52)

1.44 (1.02, 2.01)

1.13 (0.62, 2.08)

1.78 (0.84, 3.77)

Needing support with daily activities

1.09 (0.66, 1.81)

1.52 (0.93, 2.48)

1.22 (0.53, 2.82)

4.48 (2.00, 10.02)

Social isolation

1.49 (0.81, 2.73)

1.90 (1.04, 3.44)

0.61 (0.17, 2.11)

1.13 (0.33, 3.92)

At least 1 unmet HRSN

1.74 (1.25, 2.44)

1.46 (1.06, 2.00)

1.44 (0.82, 2.52)

2.24 (1.00, 5.06)