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Table 2 General interview questions for GPs.

From: General practitioners’ perspectives regarding early developmental surveillance for autism within the australian primary healthcare setting: a qualitative study

Main questions for GPs

Describe your experience of conducting childhood developmental screening/surveillance (DS) in your practice.

Describe what other factors may assist you to conduct DS in your practice?

What barriers did the COVID pandemic and associated changes pose on conducting DS at your practice?

Were there any specific enablers that you found helpful in conducting DS?

Describe your experience in managing children whom you (or their parents) identified as having a specific developmental concern.

How do you perceive your role in Early Intervention (EI) for child developmental issues? FYI The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) has made available early childhood early intervention (ECEI) services for children aged under seven years of age with a developmental delay or disability.

Overall, can you describe your role in providing ongoing care for a child with developmental disability (CWDD) within your practice? In particular, we are interested in how you see the extent of your involvement after the children are referred to other services e.g., specialist paediatric or others.

Additional questions for GPs in the ASP pathway to obtain views on their experiences with the study tools and procedures.

Can you describe your experience of participating in the ASP subgroup of this study?

Were there any issues; what suggestions do you have to address this to resolve this?

What were your experiences like with completing the SACS Online assessment with children?

What were your experiences like with the parent/caregiver questionnaires – the Q-CHAT-10, ‘Learn the Signs. Act Early’, and the PEDS?

What are your thoughts on using these clinician and parent-completed tools in the future for conducting childhood developmental screening?

Anything else to add?