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Table 3 Percentage of GP practices indicating that the following patient safety incidents have occurred

From: Quick adaptation of the organisation of general practices during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands


Yes (n)

A patient with a fever caused by an infection other than COVID-19 was seen late due to the fact the COVID-19 protocol was followed which delayed the care

42% (146)

A patient with an urgent condition was seen late because he/she did not come to the practice sooner

79% (149)

A patient with a serious condition was seen late because he/she did not know how to call on a GP

38% (130)

A patient with an urgent condition was seen late because the situation was assessed as non-urgent during the telephonic triage

30% (145)

A patient with an urgent condition other than COVID-19 was assessed incorrectly during the triage procedure

33% (139)