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Table 2 Verbatim quotes supporting Freeze-Thaw Cycle

From: Doing primary care integration: a qualitative study of meso-level collaborative practices

Quote No.

Partici-pant No.




[The pandemic saw] the development of new relationships. And not just with AHS-PHC and the MoH, but with a whole bunch of other groups that you certainly would not have worked with before, which is of huge benefit.



[Independent PC, and AHS-PHC leaders] were engaged by [the MoH to start planning] – we were thinking September, October – for an endemic environment. We were one week into our [June] conversation, [and the MoH] declared that at the end of that month, they would: switch all [COVID-19] testing to primary care; discontinue testing in AHS facilities, and basically move on into a new environment. That caught us completely off guard.



[The government was] already committed [to COVID-19 being] endemic. And so [the consultation with PC was] a rear guard action [where they were saying,] “Here’s some [rapid antigen] test kits. We’ll throw them at you. And hopefully that helps a little bit.”



[Some PC leaders] walked away from the table, [saying] “Expletive yourself! If you’re not going to listen to me and you’re not even going to take what I’m saying seriously, and then you’re going to lie about having consulted with me in public, I’m not even showing up anymore.”



[There’s] a looming election. [And the government starts to think] “we have to strategically [put] another minister in there because of the destroyed relationship [with PC] and our need to actually move forward together.”



[In the autumn] we’re under the watch of a new minister who has set a very different tone. Who has engaged directly not just with [the AMA] President, but has asked for the President to arrange briefings by physicians from various sections, including primary care and rural care.



When the minister changed … it was in rapid succession thereafter that things started getting better. [That’s also] when [the new Assistant Deputy Minister] came into the picture.



Suddenly [the new Deputy Medical Officer of Health] was here, and we sort of heard about it, and she has seemed to reconvene the collaborative table where we’re all working together on [the newly arrived Omicron variant], and she [proves to be] a source of good information and consultation.