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Table 1 Data collection methods for the summative and formative evaluation

From: A complex intervention on vaccination uptake among older adults (≥ 60 years) in Germany – a study protocol with a mixed methods design

Data collection methods and timepoints

Indicators to be measured

Measurement instruments

Data analysis

Summative evaluation (secondary and primary data)

Secondary data:

Extract of pseudonymised contract GP billing data according to § 295 SGB V, n = 2114 GPs (n = 1057 GPs each in the intervention and control group) and at full utilisation ≥ 147,980 patients

Primary outcome: Influenza vaccination rate

Secondary outcome: Vaccination uptake rate of the vaccinations recommended by the STIKO for patients aged 60 and older (except for influenza)


Descriptive statistics, pre-post comparison (intervention/control group), cluster analysis, subgroup analyses

Primary data:

Cross-sectional patient survey in intervention practices (n = 50), pre- and post-implementation (2 x n = 1250 patients), paper & pencil survey

Secondary outcome: Vaccine literacy

Further secondary outcome: HLS19-VAC-DE subscale of the HLS19 instrument (40)

Descriptive statistics, multivariable regression models, multilevel analysis

Formative evaluation (primary data only)

Cross-sectional patient survey in intervention practices (n = 50), pre- and post-implementation (2 x n = 1250 patients), paper & pencil survey

Attitudes towards vaccination; intention to get vaccinated; knowledge about vaccination; (un)met information needs; vaccination-related interaction between GP practice staff and patients

5 C instrument (18, 41); vaccination intention item (42); instrument based on the validated scale developed by Zingg & Siegrist (43) to measure knowledge about vaccination; instrument based on CaPts to measure (un)met information needs (44); self-developed items on vaccination-related interaction between GP practice staff and patients

Descriptive statistics, multivariable regression models, multilevel analysis

Cross-sectional online survey with GPs and medical assistants in intervention practices (n = 2 × 1057)

Experiences with and evaluation of the intervention elements, also in nursing homes and outpatient care, evaluation of changes in the GP-patient interaction; self-reported communication competence of GPs; structural information related to GP practices

Self-developed, best-fit instruments on experience with and assessment of the intervention; Medical Communication Competence Scale (MCCS; (48); self-developed items on structural information related to GP practices

Descriptive statistics, multilevel analysis after linkage with patient survey data, subgroup analyses

Qualitative interviews with patients in intervention GP practices, n = 30

Experiences with the intervention, subjective effectiveness

Semi-structured guideline

Structuring qualitative content analysis according to Kuckartz (49)

Qualitative interviews with GPs/medical assistants in intervention GP practices, n = 40

Experiences with the intervention, subjective effectiveness

Semi-structured guideline

Structuring qualitative content analysis according to Kuckartz (49)