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Table 2 Evidence of intended outputs of volunteer navigator activities: changes in patient abilities to access healthcare

From: Telephone outreach by volunteer navigators: a theory-based evaluation of an intervention to improve access to appropriate primary care

Theoretical dimension

Box #, Logic model component

How measured


3-month FU n = 54

Paired t-test (n = paired observations)

Ability to perceive

Box 1. Perceives need to attend PHC visit

Qualitative interview;

Patient report at follow-up survey




Ability to seek

Box 2. Knows where and when to seek PHC

Survey: Ease of finding health information and identifying the most appropriate source of care.a

(4 items, range 1 − 4)

2.72 (0.79)

(n = 59)

3.33 (0.55)

(n = 51)

t = 4.47, n = 51,

p = 0.000

Ability to reach

Box 3. Knows how to get to GP/FP

Survey: Ease of travelling to the clinic

(1 item, range 1 − 4)

3.46 (0.96)

n = 28

3.98 (0.14)

n = 50

t = 2.63, n = 19, p = 0.02

Ability to engage

Box 4. Can engage with primary care

Survey: Ease of explaining needs to health professionals

(1 item, range 1 − 4)

3.42 (0.77)

N = 59

3.76 (0.56)

n = 50

t = 3.26, n = 50, p = 0.002

  1. PHC Primary Health Care, GP/FP General Practitioner or Family Physician
  2. a1 = not at all easy, 2 = a little easy, 3 = easy, 4 = very easy