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Table 2 Description of nursing processes

From: Examining nursing processes in primary care settings using the Chronic Care Model: an umbrella review

Nursing processes



Case management

Characterized by an emphasis on assessment of signs and symptoms, medications, lifestyle, environment, and care planning and coordination. Often involves referral and promotion of options and services. May include education that is not the primary component.

Self-management support

Characterized by a structured delivery of education. Frequently involves strategies such as motivational interviewing, goal setting, action planning.


Characterized by care where the nurse is responsible for determining and/or adjusting the dosage of a treatment, medication.

Delivery models


Characterized by a focus on one or more of the three continuity dimensions. Relational continuity refers to interpersonal relationships between the patient and the provider, informational continuity is related to the availability of documentation and transfer of information between settings, and management continuity focuses on offering flexible care that responds to patients’ changing health status and needs.

Nurse-led care

Characterized by central involvement of nurses in the monitoring, treatment planning and assessment of chronic conditions. Includes more than one form of intervention. Most of these practices are compared to those of general practitioners.