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Table 4 Overview of CFIR domains and constructs and the inductively developed categories and sub-categories describing the HCPs’ expectations of implementing a healthy lifestyle-promoting practice

From: Expectations on implementation of a health promotion practice using individually targeted lifestyle interventions in primary health care: a qualitative study

CFIR domain

CFIR construct

Category and sub-category

Innovation characteristics


Changing to a healthy lifestyle-promoting practice is challenging and requires persistence to achieve sustainability

 ‱ Changing to a healthy lifestyle-promoting practice is difficult (barrier)

 ‱ Behaviour change is challenging to address and achieve as an HCP (barrier)

Outer setting

Patient needs and resources

A healthy lifestyle-promoting practice meets patients’ needs and should be co-produced with the patient

 ‱ A healthy lifestyle-promoting practice serves the needs of the patients (facilitator)

 ‱ Patients’ positive expectations of health promotion in PHC (facilitator)

 ‱ Patients’ needs and preferences must be considered while avoiding infringing on the patient’s autonomy (facilitator)

Characteristics of individuals

Knowledge and beliefs

Understanding the purpose of changing to a healthy lifestyle-promoting practice is crucial

 ‱ Shared beliefs and knowledge on the impact of health promotion (facilitator)

 ‱ Insufficient knowledge of guidelines and tools for health promotion (barrier)


 ‱ Beliefs in capabilities but uncertainty in practicalities (facilitator/barrier)

Individual stage of change

 ‱ Variations from enthusiasm to potential reluctance in the ability to change health-promoting practice (facilitator/barrier)

Other personal attributes

 ‱ Desire to work with health promotion and make a positive contribution (facilitator)

Inner setting

Networks and communications

Need structures, inter-professional teams and a sense of common purpose for a healthy lifestyle-promoting practice

 ‱ Other HCPs’ competence and health-promoting practices are unknown (barrier)

Implementation climate

 ‱ The necessity that all HCPs participate and work mutually towards the same goal (facilitator/barrier)

- Tension for change

 ‱ A health-promoting practice is crucial for future PHC (facilitator)

 ‱ A health-promoting practice is better than standard practice (facilitator)

- Compatibility

 ‱ A healthy lifestyle-promoting practice is compatible with current practice but needs improved structures (facilitator/barrier)

- Goals and feedback

 ‱ Importance of goals and feedback (barrier)