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Table 4 Part I: Mid-term (T3) review on an intervention in self-care by FM residents (n = 17)

From: Effects of an educational compact intervention in self-care – a mixed methods study with postgraduate trainees in primary care

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Thoughts and feelings (during the course)

- Reflection on handling personal health

- Reflection on personal stressors and experiences

- Reflection on risks for physicians

- Surprise about prevalence [of stress] amongst colleagues

- Positive overall impression

- Reaffirmation to act correctly

- Relaxing effects due to practical exercises (PMR)

- Decision for another way of managing personal health

- Seminar important but too late (in their career) for personal development


- Educational concept

- Gain in knowledge

- Use of exercises

- Induced self-reflection

- Affirmation of self-care-oriented behavior

- Problem-oriented approach

- Evidence-based introduction on self-care including review of literature

- Identification of personal behavior and individual stressors

- Open learning-atmosphere enabling (confidential) discussion of individual stresses

- Wake up call to act


- With regards to content, no weaknesses

- Dysfunctional working conditions (swimming with sharks) was too short

- Too short on time

- Insufficient training in the practical exercises

- Too much of information

- Pace too fast

Linkage to previous competencies

- Awareness of knowledge

- Repetition of practical exercises

- Repetition of methods

Fun / learning atmosphere

- Interaction

- Group cohesion

- Practical exercises for relaxation techniques

- Activation exercises (at the beginning)

  1. FM family medicine, T3 12–14 weeks after the intervention, PMR Progressive Muscle Relaxation. Peri-interventional: all content that first came to the participants' minds at the time of the intervention, as well as an evaluation of the seminar