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Table 3 Differences in attitudes regarding influenza vaccination among older participants before and after the free influenza vaccination policy implementation in Shenzhen, China

From: Can primary care physician recommendation improve influenza vaccine uptake among older adults? A community health centre-based experimental study in China


Pre-implementationcN = 1200

Post-implementationcN = 958

Diff. (%)

N (%)

N (%)


Attitude towards older adults to take influenza vaccinea




Attitude towards patients with chronic diseases to have influenza vaccineb




  1. P values were calculated from Chi-square tests and group comparisons of percentages of all questions were less than 0.05
  2. a Participants who thought ‘Older adults should have the influenza vaccine’ were considered to show the positive attitude towards influenza vaccination
  3. b Participants who thought ‘Patients with chronic diseases should have the influenza vaccine’ were considered to show the positive attitude towards influenza vaccination
  4. c Pre-implementation means prior the city-wide free influenza vaccination for older adults program was implemented. Post-implementation means after the city-wide free influenza vaccination for older adults program was implemented. Shenzhen implemented a city-wide free influenza vaccination for older adults program since October 2016