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Table 2 Thematic analysis process

From: Home health care professionals’ experiences of working in integrated teams during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative thematic study



Phase 1: Familiarization

The transcribed interviews and field notes were read several times, and the research team shared and commented on their initial reflections.

Phase 2: Coding

The first author extracted the data relevant to the aim and conducted the initial inductive coding. Both explicit and latent data were coded across the data set. 13 initial codes were identified and discussed: home visits, paused ways of working because of the pandemic, supporting the patient, worry among the personnel, removal of social places, patients’ mental health, protective gear/restrictions, testing, digital and phone solutions, shifting directives, vaccination, the future, and next of kin.

Phase 3: Searching for themes

Codes were sorted and reviewed, placed into a thematic map, and discussed by the authors. The detailed codes and hierarchies between them were discussed. The codes with their extracted data were sorted into 8 potential themes.

Phase 4: Reviewing themes

The authors reviewed and refined the 8 potential themes in relation to the codes and the extracted data. The themes were checked across the data set. During the cross-checking, overlapping themes were merged. The themes were refined and reworked into 3 main themes and 7 subthemes.

Phase 5: Defining and naming the themes

The themes were defined and refined in light of the codes and collated data extracts and triangulated in team meetings to reach consensus regarding the themes. The themes were defined and named, and the core content of each theme was described in text.

Phase 6: Producing the report

The final write-up of the analysis. All the authors participated in debriefing, interpretation, coding, and analysis of the data, including checking and critically revising the final version of the paper.