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Table 2 Correlation between age, duration of antihypertensive therapy (in years), Perceived risk score for hypertension sequelae and MMAS-8 scores among participant patients

From: Perception of risk of hypertension related complications and adherence to antihypertensive drugs: a primary healthcare based cross-sectional study

Correlation variables


P value

MMAS-8 scoreb / Age

- 0.095


MMAS-8 score / Duration of therapy

- 0.115


MMAS-8 score / Perceived risk score


<  0.001*

Perceived risk score / Age

- 0.294

<  0.001*

Perceived risk score / Duration of therapy

- 0.367

<  0.001*

Age / Duration of therapy


<  0.001*

  1. aSpearman’s correlation coefficient
  2. bHigher MMAS-8 scores indicate better medication adherence
  3. *Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed)