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Table 1 Socio-demographic characteristics of study participants (n = 24)

From: Changes of working conditions and job-related challenges due to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic for medical assistants in general practices in Germany: a qualitative study


n (%)



1 (4.2)


23 (95.8)

Age, mean (min-max)

40.1 (24-58)

 Highest level of education


0 (0.0)


19 (79.2)


5 (20.8)

Migrant background4


3 (12.5)


21 (87.5)

Years in job, mean (min, max)

18.8 (1-41)

Employment status


17 (70.8)


7 (29.2)

Practice location

 Urban (over 100,000 inhabitants)

12 (50.0)

 Suburban (20,000 – 100,000 inhabitants)

6 (25.0)

 Rural (less than 20,00 inhabitants)

6 (25.0)

Federate statea


5 (20.8)


4 (16.7)


1 (4.2)


1 (4.2)

 North Rhine-Westphalia

9 (37.5)


3 (12.5)


1 (4.2)

Number of physicians in practice, mean (min, max)

3.4 (1-11)

Number of medical assistants in practice, mean (min, max)

7.8 (3-20)

Confirmed SARS-CoV-2 cases among practice staff


9 (37.5)


15 (62.5)

Own previous infection with SARS-CoV-2


0 (0.0)


24 (100.0)

  1. 1Secondary modern school qualification (‘Haupt−/Volksschulabschluss‘); 2Secondary school level 1 certificate (‘Mittlere Reife‘, ‘Realschulabschluss‘or ‘Fachschulreife‘); 3General qualification for university entrance (‘Abitur‘) or entrance qualification limited to universities of applied sciences (‘Fachhochschulreife‘); 4Migrant background defined as having at least one parent with a country of birth other than Germany; aThere were no participants from the nine remaining federate states of Germany