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Table 4 Three items from the IMSA questionnaire retained to predict the potential utility of assigning a case manager

From: Identifying complex patients in family medicine for potential benefit from a case manager: a short questionnaire derived from the INTERMED Self-Assessment (IMSA) questionnaire

IMSA questions


Score calculation

Q1. 1a. Did you experience any physical problems in the past 5 years?

1b. Do you suffer from one or more long-lasting or chronic diseases?

|a|0 No, I did not

|b|0 Yes, I experienced physical problems but for a period shorter than 3 months

|c|1 Yes, Iexperienced physical problems for a period longer than 3 months

|d|1 Yes, in the last 5 years I have experienced several short periods with physical problems

|a|0 I don’t have any long-lasting or chronic diseases

|b|2 I suffer from one long-lasting or chronic disease

|c|3 I suffer from several long-lasting or chronic diseases

if 1a) a or 1a) b and 1b) a, = 0

if 1a) c or 1a) d, = 1

if 1b) b, = 2

if 1b) c, = 3

Q3. How much were your daily activities (such as job, house-keeping, hobbies, going out…) restricted by physical problems during the last week?

|a|0 I have no, or insignificant, physical problems

|b|1 My daily activities are not or are only mildly influenced by the physical problems that I experience

|c|2 My daily activities are moderately influenced by physical problems

|d|3 My daily activities are severely influenced by physical problems


Q9. 9a. Do you have a job?

9b. if not, please specify your employment status.

9c. Have you got activities in your spare time such as volunteering, courses, sports, clubs…?

|a| Yes

|b| No

|a| I am a student

|b| I am retired

|c| I am a housewife taking care for the household and others

|d| I am disabled

|e| I have been on sick leave for more than 6 months

|a| Yes

|b| No

if 9a)a and 9c)a, then = 0

if 9a)a and 9c)b, then = 1

if 9a)b and 9c)a, then = 2

if 9a)b and 9c)b, then = 3

  1. GPs’opinions: Absolutely useful (N = 14); Quite useful (N = 120); Not necessarily useful (N = 71); Not useful at all (N = 123)
  2. IMSA Scores: Total (median / 60); Biological score (median / 15); Psychological score (median / 15); Social score (median / 15); Healthcare services score (median / 15)