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Table 1 Interpretation of standard template categories of DRP from the EMR

From: Pharmacist-led medication reviews in primary healthcare for adult community-dwelling patients – a descriptive study charting a new target group

Categories of DRPs documented in the EMR according to local instructions and standard template


TDM medication

TDM; therapeutic drug monitoring, Drugs requiring therapeutic monitoring

Suitability for elderly

Potentially inappropriate drugs for elderly patients according to The Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare

Drugs not recommended

According to the Regional drug and therapeutics committee

Problems with administration/handling

For example, medication crush, cut, inhalation technique

Drug interactions

C/D drug- drug interactions

Choice of drug/dosage

Dose not adjusted for the patient (i.e. in relation to renal or hepatic function)

Unclear indication/not documented

No information/unclear indication for medication treatment, or weak evidence for specific medication

Additional treatment

Suboptimal treatment

Potential adverse drug reaction

An undesired effect of medication treatment

No identified DRP