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Table 1 Participant characteristics (n = 29)

From: Exploring healthcare provider and patient perspectives on current outpatient care of venous leg ulcers and potential interventions to improve their treatment: a mixed methods study in the ulcus cruris care project



(n = 10)


(n = 10)


(n = 9)

Age mean (SD), range

50 (10.8), 34-62

46 (13.1), 28-62

69 (10.5), 51-80

Gender n (%) male

8 (80 %)

0 (0 %)

4 (44%)

Medical specialty - n (%)

General Practitioner

5 (50 %)


Internal Medicine

5 (50 %)


Completed specialization traininga n (%)

Non-physician practice assistantb


8 (80 %)


Case Management

2 (20 %)

Wound care

2 (40 %)

Experience in years mean (SD), range

21 (9,9), 7-33

25 (12.2), 6-41


VLU present since number of months median (SD), range


17.9 (145.2),5-429+

VLU-related visits to GP per month mean (SD), range


5.6 (3.7), 1-11

  1. a multiple answers were possible
  2. b qualification exceeding general vocational training to perform delegated tasks achieved in programs with different scopes (such as home visits)
  3. + includes two patients with recurring wounds and referring answers