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Table 3 Representative Quotes of External Factors

From: Factors affecting primary care physician decision-making for patients with complex multimorbidity: a qualitative interview study

External factors within the environment or context influence care planning decisions

Subtheme #4. Patient access to resources constrains care plans.

 Time tradeoffs are inherent

“Either you address the main concern […] and have them come back later. Or, if you can address everything in one visit, then you’re bringing [them] back less times.” (P04)

 Resource availability

“Some of these patients, they come from really far away and we don’t have an MRI and CT where we’re at, we’re like a peripheral site. I wanted some imaging of his back, [but] it means driving down even further.” (P15)

Subtheme #5. Organizational structures provide boundaries.

 Tasks pair to visit modality

“We need to be able to maybe see the complex ones more often so that we can uncomplex them. Once they’re stabilized, twice a year is fine, but a lot of these, you’ve got to be seen a lot more often – and a lot of it needs to be face to face; it’s not going to work by phone.” (P23)

 Organizational peculiarities

“Sometimes patients get mixed messages, they get a different message from me and a different message from [...] their civilian provider.” (P19)