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Table 1 The statements in the patient and doctor questionnaires

From: Challenges to patient centredness – a comparison of patient and doctor experiences from primary care


Patient questionnaire

Doctor questionnaire


You described your own ideas regarding your ailment/problem, your concerns and what you wished for/expected of the visit

The patient described their own ideas regarding their ailment/problem, their concerns and what he/she wished for/expected of the visit


The caregiver listened to you without interrupting

I listened to the patient without interrupting


You experienced that you were taken seriously when you told about your ailments/problems

I took what the patient told me seriously


You were informed about the caregiver’s assessment on your need for measures to be taken

The patient was informed about my assessment on the need for measures to be taken


You got your questions answered

The patient got their questions answered


You were invited to participate in the decision-making regarding your care (examination/treatment)

The patient was invited to participate in the decision-making regarding their examination/treatment


You are satisfied with your visit

I am satisfied with my performance during the visit