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Table 1 ā€˜SMART MOVEā€™ Randomised Controlled Trial

From: Implementation of the SMART MOVE intervention in primary care: a qualitative study using normalisation process theory

ā€˜SMART MOVEā€™ Trial

Registered with the International Standard Randomised Controlled Trials Register #ISRCTN99944116 and ethical approval obtained.

90 Participants recruited by primary care health professionals or self-referred.

Screened by the research team for inclusion suitability.

Inclusion criteria:

ā€¢ Adult participants in the community

ā€¢ Over 16Ā years of age

ā€¢ Active android smartphone participants

Exclusion criteria:

ā€¢ Acute psychiatric illness

ā€¢ Pregnant women

ā€¢ Participants unable to undertake moderate exercise

At baseline screening meeting, participants were given study information, signed consent, were randomised and completed quality of life and mental health score questionnaires. BMI, blood pressure and heart rate were measured. Smartphone application Accupedo-Pro Pedometer was downloaded onto the smartphones but step count display was not made visible.

Week 1: All participants continued their normal activity level while carrying the smartphone during all waking hours so the smartphone application could record their baseline step count while remaining invisible to the participant.

End of week 1: Randomisation code broken and participants assigned to control or intervention groups.

Control Group:

ā€¢ Smartphone application with step count continues to remain invisible

ā€¢ Given information on benefits of exercise

ā€¢ Instructed to increase physical activity with a goal of an additional 30Ā min walking exercise per day (equivalent to 10,000 steps per day)

Intervention Group:

ā€¢ Smartphone application and step count made visible (Fig. 1)

ā€¢ Given information on benefits of exercise

ā€¢ Instructed to increase physical activity with a goal of 10,000 steps per day and encouraged to use the smartphone application to achieve this goal

After completion of eight-week trial:

Quality of life and mental health score questionnaire administered and BMI, blood pressure, heart rate recorded. Quantitative results were analysed with the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) for primary outcome of mean difference in daily step count between baseline and follow-up at eight weeks and also secondary outcomes. After trial completion, all control groups participants were then also shown how to use the App

A qualitative evaluation was then carried out by interviewing a purposeful sample of post-trial participants to explore their experiences within four weeks of finishing the trial.