Bed-Side Prostate Cancer Detecting, even in early stages ("Real Risk" of Cancer).
Sergio Stagnaro, Private. Researcher in Biophysical Semeiotics
12 June 2005
I agree with such a statement: “The lack of association between more intensive screening and treatment and lower prostate cancer mortality suggests that trials should continue in order to settle this question”.
In my opinion, based on 48 year-long clinical experience, we have to try new and more efficacious screening types for malignancies, easy to perform on very large scale and reliable in ascertain both "real risk" of prostate cancer in a well defined prostate lobe or the “real” initial stage in individuals involved by oncological terrain, of course (1). In fact, nowadays a new bed-side preventive medicine can be applied by all general practitioners around the world in an efficient and practical manner (2)(See my site, Biophysical-Semeiotic Constitutions, as well as Bibliography).
As a matter of fact,today's physicians can recognize clinically individuals at "real" risk of malignancies, both solid and liquid, including their precise location, (1, 2). In following I describe briefly an original physical sign, reliable and useful in recognizing "real risk" of prostate cancer, in primary preventing it as well as in bed-side early detecting Prostate Cancer, i.e. since very early stage, including Cancer "in situ": Massucco's sign * (1)(in above-cited site). In healthy individual, lying down on supine position and psycho-physically relaxed with open eyes, a lasting cutaneous pinch at the level of XI thoracic dermatomere, at right or left (i.e. groin regions)brings about gastric aspecific reflex (in the stomach both fundus and body dilate, while antral-pyloric region contracts = tissue acidosis; see above-cited site, Technical Pages, n° 1), after a latency time (lt) of 8 sec. The reflex lasts for less than 4 sec. and then disappears for >3 < 4 sec. ALL PARAMETERS VALUES ARE INTERESTING FROM DIAGNOSTIC POINT OF VIEW, but especially lt: Massucco's sign NEGATIVE. On the contrary, in case of Prostate Cancer, even in initial stage, lt is < 8 sec., reflex duration 4 sec. or more and finally the entire stomach contracts,i.e. Gastric tonic Contraction GtC): "pathological" pareter. All parameters values, indicating local prostatic micorcirculatory abnormalities (1), are in relation to the severity of underlying malignancy. For instance, lt. becomes shorter than the normal 8 sec. in inverse relation to the exstension of tumour. Very useful and reliable (I perform it during physical examination, i.e.,in every case, routinely) is the biophysical semeiotic "preconditioning" of prostate: after 5 sec. exactly of interval after the basal performance,doctor applys this method a second time (interval must be 5 sec. precisely, due to prostatic microcirculatory functional reserve (MFR) activation): in healthy, where there isn't GtC., all parameters value ameliorate significantly: e.g.,latency time results 12 sec. or more. On the contrary, in prostate cancer, since first stages (“in situ” cancer)as well as in "real risk" of cancer, they worsen clearly or persist identical in latest case (1, 2) . The Massucco’s sign, easy to perform and reliable at the bed-side, in my opinion, really useful in prostate cancre clinical screening, must be incuded in the common physical examination, in order to early recognizing prostate cancer, also by means of a large variety of other cancer signs.
1) Stagnaro Sergio, Stagnaro-Neri Marina. Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica. Il Terreno oncologico”. Travel Factory SRL., Roma, 2004.
2) Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M., Le Costituzioni Semeiotico-Biofisiche.Strumento clinico fondamentale per la prevenzione primaria e la definizione della Single Patient Based Medicine. Ediz. Travel Factory, Roma, 2004.
Bed-Side Prostate Cancer Detecting, even in early stages ("Real Risk" of Cancer).
12 June 2005
I agree with such a statement: “The lack of association between more intensive screening and treatment and lower prostate cancer mortality suggests that trials should continue in order to settle this question”.
In my opinion, based on 48 year-long clinical experience, we have to try new and more efficacious screening types for malignancies, easy to perform on very large scale and reliable in ascertain both "real risk" of prostate cancer in a well defined prostate lobe or the “real” initial stage in individuals involved by oncological terrain, of course (1). In fact, nowadays a new bed-side preventive medicine can be applied by all general practitioners around the world in an efficient and practical manner (2)(See my site, Biophysical-Semeiotic Constitutions, as well as Bibliography).
As a matter of fact,today's physicians can recognize clinically individuals at "real" risk of malignancies, both solid and liquid, including their precise location, (1, 2). In following I describe briefly an original physical sign, reliable and useful in recognizing "real risk" of prostate cancer, in primary preventing it as well as in bed-side early detecting Prostate Cancer, i.e. since very early stage, including Cancer "in situ": Massucco's sign * (1)(in above-cited site). In healthy individual, lying down on supine position and psycho-physically relaxed with open eyes, a lasting cutaneous pinch at the level of XI thoracic dermatomere, at right or left (i.e. groin regions)brings about gastric aspecific reflex (in the stomach both fundus and body dilate, while antral-pyloric region contracts = tissue acidosis; see above-cited site, Technical Pages, n° 1), after a latency time (lt) of 8 sec. The reflex lasts for less than 4 sec. and then disappears for >3 < 4 sec. ALL PARAMETERS VALUES ARE INTERESTING FROM DIAGNOSTIC POINT OF VIEW, but especially lt: Massucco's sign NEGATIVE. On the contrary, in case of Prostate Cancer, even in initial stage, lt is < 8 sec., reflex duration 4 sec. or more and finally the entire stomach contracts,i.e. Gastric tonic Contraction GtC): "pathological" pareter. All parameters values, indicating local prostatic micorcirculatory abnormalities (1), are in relation to the severity of underlying malignancy. For instance, lt. becomes shorter than the normal 8 sec. in inverse relation to the exstension of tumour. Very useful and reliable (I perform it during physical examination, i.e.,in every case, routinely) is the biophysical semeiotic "preconditioning" of prostate: after 5 sec. exactly of interval after the basal performance,doctor applys this method a second time (interval must be 5 sec. precisely, due to prostatic microcirculatory functional reserve (MFR) activation): in healthy, where there isn't GtC., all parameters value ameliorate significantly: e.g.,latency time results 12 sec. or more. On the contrary, in prostate cancer, since first stages (“in situ” cancer)as well as in "real risk" of cancer, they worsen clearly or persist identical in latest case (1, 2) . The Massucco’s sign, easy to perform and reliable at the bed-side, in my opinion, really useful in prostate cancre clinical screening, must be incuded in the common physical examination, in order to early recognizing prostate cancer, also by means of a large variety of other cancer signs.
1) Stagnaro Sergio, Stagnaro-Neri Marina. Introduzione alla Semeiotica Biofisica. Il Terreno oncologico”. Travel Factory SRL., Roma, 2004.
2) Stagnaro S., Stagnaro-Neri M., Le Costituzioni Semeiotico-Biofisiche.Strumento clinico fondamentale per la prevenzione primaria e la definizione della Single Patient Based Medicine. Ediz. Travel Factory, Roma, 2004.
Competing interests
No declared