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Table 1 Questionnaire.

From: The handling of urinary incontinence in Danish general practices after distribution of guidelines and voiding diary reimbursement: an observational study

The Danish College of General Practitioners distributed July 1999 clinical guidelines for the management of UI in general practice:

Have you read it?

Yes:87%, No:13%

Do you have it in your practice?

Yes:88%, No:12%

Do you use it in your daily work?

Yes:7%, No:53%

The Journal of The Danish Medical Association [Ugeskr Læger 2001; 163(38)] was a theme issue concerning UI:

How many of the 9 articles have you read?

9-5:13%, 4-1:63%, 0:25%

Attached to this theme issue [Ugeskr Læger 2001; 163 (38)] was 3 new sets of clinical guidelines:

How many of the clinical guidelines have you read?

3-2:31%, 1:38%, 0:31%

Do you think clinical guidelines help you in your daily work?

Yes: 96%, No: 4%

Is the number of clinical guidelines concerning UI appropriate?

Yes: 63%, No: 37%

Is the number of clinical guidelines concerning other diseases appropriate?

Yes: 53%, No: 47%

How many of your patients do you know have UI?

F: 38 (0 – 300),

M: 12 (0 – 100)

How many weekly contacts do you have because of UI ?

F: 2.6 (0 – 71),

M: 0.7 (0 – 6)

Do you actively ask any patient about UI?

Often / sometimes: 83%,

Rare / never: 17%

Do you include a voiding diary in your UI assesments?

Often / sometimes: 92%,

Rare / never: 8%

According to #97 concerning incontinence aids in the Danish Service Law, UI patients may have diapers and pads reimbursed:

How many of your patients have you informed about this option?


Are you aware of the open UI outpatient clinic in the county and have you referred patients?

90%, 55%

Do you have any suggestions how the county may better help the incontinent patient?
