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Archived Comments for: Overcoming the barriers to the diagnosis and management of chronic fatigue syndrome/ME in primary care: a meta synthesis of qualitative studies

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  1. Typing mistake in Methods section

    Magdalena Morawska, BioMed Central

    3 April 2014



    We would like to apologise for a typing mistake that was introduced in this manuscript.

    Under the methods section, there is a list of stages of the meta synthesis that is currently printed as follows:


    Stages of the meta synthesis

    1. Identifying the literature:

    topic selection,

    searching for studies,

    appraisal of studies.

    2. Data analysis and interpretation:

    a. extraction of main findings from the published studies, a. synthesis of main findings into themes to form an explanatory framework.


     It should be:


    Stages of the meta synthesis

    1. Identifying the literature:

    a. topic selection,

    b. searching for studies,

    c. appraisal of studies.

    2. Data analysis and interpretation:

    a. extraction of main findings from the published studies,

    b. synthesis of main findings into themes to form an explanatory framework.



    Magdalena Morawska

    Executive Editor

    Competing interests

    I declare no competing interests

