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Table 3 Reasons for discontinuation

From: Use of preventive medication and supplements in general practice in patients in their last year of life: a Retrospective cohort study


Cholesterol-lowering medication, n (%)

Calcium supplements, n (%)

Vitamins, n (%)

Bisphos-phonates, n (%)

Median time between stop and death in days [IQR]

Stopped in total

110 (48%)

97 (61%)

136 (56%)

42 (70%)


 Number of patients in whom the reason for discontinuing was documented

28 (25%)

23 (24%)

13 (10%)

9 (21%)


 Numer of patients in whom the reason for discontinuing was not documented

82 (75%)

74 (76%)

123 (90%)

33 (79%)



Medication review

13 (12%)

5 (5%)

5 (4%)

2 (5%)

71 [16 -199]

Undoubtedly in the terminal stage

7 (6%)

13 (13%)

3 (2%)

3 (7%)

7 [3-13]

Own initiative

4 (4%)

4 (4%)

5 (4%)

1 (2%)

48 [15 – 122]

Unable to take medication

3 (3%)

1 (1%)



2 [1 – 34]

Side effects

1 (1%)



3 (7%)

312 [170 – 344]