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Table 1 Patient characteristics

From: Use of preventive medication and supplements in general practice in patients in their last year of life: a Retrospective cohort study


Patients with a LLI at least 1 year before death (N = 666)

Sex (female), n(%)

334 (50)

Age at diagnose (year), n(%)

 < 55

20 (3.0)


47 (7.1)


116 (17.4)


216 (32.4)

  ≥ 85

267 (40.1)

 Median age in years [IQR]

82 [74-89]

LLI, n (%)


227 (34.1)

 Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease

143 (21.5)

 Congestive Heart Failure

97 (14.6)


100 (15.0)


61 (9.2)


22 (3.3)

 Kidney failure

9 (1.4)

 Liver failure

6 (0.9)


1 (0.2)

  1. 1Multiple sclerosis, ALS, Parkinson’s’ disease
  2. 2Congenital anomaly endocrine glands/metabolism