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Table 1 Content of the DC Guidelines Website

From: Effective web-based clinical practice guidelines resources: recommendations from a mixed methods usability study

Full Guidelines

Full text of the CPGs, separated by chapter per webpage, with download links to the portal document format (PDF) of the chapters

Quick Reference Guide

A 10-page abridged summary of the full CPGs containing information thought to be most relevant to providers, accessed as a PDF.

Interactive Tools/Clinical Decision Support Tools

Interactive tools, in which user data input generates different outputs, in line with the recommendations of the CPG text. For example, the “Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose” (SMBG) tool asks for input from the user on the type of diabetes a patient has, their A1C, and their current treatments. The output is a recommendation for the frequency of SMBG monitoring.

Static Tools

Tools that do not involve active user input. Contains focused information from the full CPGs, formatted for single purpose use (e.g. Appendix PDF, 1 to 2-page PDF tools, slide decks, patient handouts).