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Table 1 Search strategy for the PubMed database consisting of search terms covering general practice, machine learning, and administrative tasks

From: Machine learning in general practice: scoping review of administrative task support and automation


Search terms


"general practice"[MeSH Terms] OR "general practice"[Title/Abstract] OR "general medicine"[Title/Abstract] OR "primary medical care"[Title/Abstract] OR "primary health care"[MeSH Terms] OR "primary health care"[Title/Abstract] OR "primary healthcare"[Title/Abstract] OR "health care primary"[Title/Abstract] OR "healthcare primary"[Title/Abstract] OR "primary care"[Title/Abstract] OR "family practice"[MeSH Terms] OR "family practice"[Title/Abstract] OR "family medicine"[Title/Abstract] OR "family medicine practice"[Title/Abstract] OR "private practice"[MeSH Terms] OR "private practice"[Title/Abstract] OR "first line care"[Title/Abstract]


"machine learning"[MeSH Terms] OR "machine learning"[Title/Abstract] OR "learning machine"[Title/Abstract] OR "supervised machine learning"[MeSH Terms] OR "supervised learning"[Title/Abstract] OR "supervised machine learning"[Title/Abstract] OR "unsupervised machine learning"[MeSH Terms] OR "unsupervised machine learning"[Title/Abstract] OR "unsupervised learning"[Title/Abstract] OR "reinforcement learning"[Title/Abstract] OR "reinforcement machine learning"[Title/Abstract] OR "semi supervised machine learning"[Title/Abstract] OR "semi supervised learning"[Title/Abstract] OR "deep learning"[MeSH Terms] OR "deep learning"[Title/Abstract] OR "transfer learning"[Title/Abstract] OR "federated learning"[Title/Abstract]


"administration and organization"[Title/Abstract] OR "administration and planning"[Title/Abstract] OR "management"[Title/Abstract] OR "management information systems"[MeSH Terms] OR "organization and administration"[MeSH Terms] OR "organization and administration"[Title/Abstract] OR "planning techniques"[Title/Abstract] OR "planning techniques"[MeSH Terms] OR "health care facilities, manpower, and services"[MeSH Terms] OR "health care facility"[Title/Abstract] OR "health care facilities"[Title/Abstract] OR "administration"[Title/Abstract] OR "health administration"[Title/Abstract] OR "health care administration"[Title/Abstract] OR "healthcare administration"[Title/Abstract] OR "health services"[MeSH Terms] OR "health service"[Title/Abstract] OR "health practice"[Title/Abstract] OR "health administrator"[Title/Abstract] OR "health services administration"[Title/Abstract] OR "health services administration"[MeSH Terms] OR "health services needs and demand"[MeSH Terms] OR "health services needs and demand"[Title/Abstract] OR "health systems agencies"[MeSH Terms] OR "health visiting"[Title/Abstract] OR "healthcare service"[Title/Abstract] OR "medical health service"[Title/Abstract] OR "patient care planning"[Title/Abstract] OR "patient care planning"[MeSH Terms] OR "patient care plan"[Title/Abstract] OR "patient care management"[MeSH Terms] OR "patient care management"[Title/Abstract] OR "patient centered care"[Title/Abstract] OR "patient centered care"[MeSH Terms] OR "patient management"[Title/Abstract] OR "patient navigation"[Title/Abstract] OR "patient navigation"[MeSH Terms] OR “patient-centered care”[Title/Abstract] OR "interpersonal communication"[Title/Abstract] OR "medical communication"[Title/Abstract] OR "patient communication"[Title/Abstract] OR "transcription"[Title/Abstract] OR "financial management"[Title/Abstract] OR "financial management"[MeSH Terms]


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