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Table 3 Main Duties undertaken by receptionist and self-reported clinically oriented duties

From: Understanding the invisible workforce: lessons for general practice from a survey of receptionists

GP Receptionist's Tasks

Number of respondents n=67 (%)a

Administrative duties

Arranging appointments

Talking to patients (in any capacity)

Dealing with difficult patients

Repeat prescribing

Reporting test results

Other roles

67 (95.7)

67 (95.7)

66 (94.3)

63 (90.0)

43 (61.4)

42 (60.0)

31 (44.3)

Self- Reported Clinically Orientated Duties

Number of respondents n=39 (%)a

Triaging patients when booking appointments

Adding new medication (subject to GP approval), amending prescriptions

Reporting test results, changes in medication or diagnosis

Answering general medical queries, discussing medication with patients

Dealing with discharge paperwork

Chaperoning patients

Testing blood and urine

14 (35.9)

9 (23.1)

6 (15.4)

5 (12.8)

2 (5.1)

2 (5.1)

1 (2.6)

  1. aRespondents were asked to tick all that apply so these may not add up to 100%