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Table 1 Focus group guide to explore family physicians’ perspectives of their own SOP

From: Ontario family physicians’ perspectives about their scope of practice: what is it, what drives it and how does it change?

Set of Open-Ended Questions Asked During Each Focus Group

1) How do you understand your scope of practice? Please describe your practice/How would you describe your practice?

2) In your opinion, what drives or determines your scope of practice? What are important elements or factors that help shape your scope of practice? Limit your scope of practice?

3) Has your scope of practice changed throughout your career? If yes, how? To what factors do you attribute these changes in scope?

4) With regard to your scope of practice and practice environment, context or setting:

(a) Did you know what you were getting into?

(b) When did you realize the realities of your situation?

(c) Under what conditions did this become apparent?

(d) When or under what conditions you believe you should have been made aware of the realities of your practice?

5) Is there anything of importance I haven’t asked you regarding your scope of practice or that you wish to add?