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Table 1 Search strategy and selection procedure

From: An integrative review on individual determinants of enrolment in National Health Insurance Scheme among older adults in Ghana



Search Terms and Keywords


(Initial search in PubMed and Wiley Web of Science)

ALL (“enrol”*) AND (“health insurance” OR “NHIS”) AND (“individual facilitators” OR “individual enablers”) (“older adults” OR older people OR “adults”)


(search across, Scopus, PsycINFO, Science Direct, Ovid, and Sage)

ALL (“enrol”* OR “register”* OR “join”) AND (“health insurance” OR “NHIS” OR “health protection”) AND (“predisposing” OR “need” OR “enabling” OR “motivations”) AND (“older adults” OR older people OR “adults” OR “older folks” OR “older individuals”) (“enrol”* OR “register”* OR “join” OR “subscribe”) AND (“health insurance” OR “NHIS” OR “health protection” OR “health cover”) AND (“personal factors” OR “enablers” OR “motivators” OR “motivations” OR “drivers” OR “stimulus”) AND (“older adults” OR older people OR “adults” OR “older folks” OR “older individuals” OR “elderly”)



Hand searching of the reference lists