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Table 2 Topics of interest and main questions in the semi-structured interview

From: Internet-based interventions for perinatal depression and anxiety symptoms: an ethnographic qualitative study exploring the views and opinions of midwives in Switzerland

Topics of interest

Main questions from the interview guide

Education and work experience

What kind of education or training do you have?

When did you finish your education as a midwife?

Which midwifery training did you attend?

How long have you been working as a midwife?

Where are you currently working?

How long have you been working in this practice/clinic/hospital?

In your years working as a midwife, have you had any experience with women suffering from postnatal or prenatal mental illnesses?

Usefulness of internet-based interventions

Now that you have read the introductory text and have some background information on internet-based interventions, how useful do you think these interventions are?

Utilisation of internet-based interventions

Do you think that women who are suffering from perinatal mental disorders such as anxiety or depression would use an internet-based intervention?


Imagine that one of your patients is using an internet-based intervention on a regular basis. What advantages regarding the use of this intervention method could you think of?

Personal contact

Regardless of whether it is face-to-face therapy or internet-based interventions, could you please describe how you perceive the relevance of the personal contact between therapist and patient?

Disadvantages and concerns

Imagine that one of your patients is using an internet-based intervention on a regular basis. Would you have any concerns? If yes, which one(s)?


Are there any remarks or experiences you want to share with us?