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Table 3 Number of recommended and helpful optimization measures

From: HIOPP-6 – a pilot study on the evaluation of an electronic tool to assess and reduce the complexity of drug treatment considering patients’ views




Between-group comparison

Number of patients with at least one recommended optimization measure (% of all patients)

41 (89.1)

29 (76.3)

Pχ2 with Yates’ correction = 0.202

Median (range) of the number of recommended optimization measures per patient

2.0 (0—10)

1.5 (0—16)

PMann-Whitney U test = 0.268

Total number of helpful optimization measures (% of all optimization measures)

17 (14.5)

4 (4.8)a

Pχ2 with Yates’ correction = 0.052

Number of patients who rated at least one optimization measure as helpful (% of patients)

12 (26.1)

4 (10.5)b

Pχ2 with Yates’ correction = 0.141

  1. GI_with: automated and personalized analysis, GI_without: exclusively automated analysis
  2. aOne optimization measure could not be analyzed
  3. bOne patient could not be analyzed (one optimization measure not rated by patient)