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Table 1 Pharmacotherapeutic groups considered for the IMA intervention, following the ATC Classification System [69]

From: Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of an intervention to improve Initial Medication Adherence to treatments for cardiovascular diseases and diabetes in primary care: study protocol for a pragmatic cluster randomised controlled trial and economic model (the IMA-cRCT study)

A10 - Drugs used in diabetes

A10A - Insulins and analogues

A10AB - Insulins and analogues for injection, fast-acting

A10AC - Insulins and analogues for injection, intermediate-acting

A10AD - Insulins and analogues for injection, intermediate- or long-acting combined with fast-acting

A10AE - Insulins and analogues for injection, long-acting

A10B - Blood glucose lowering drugs, excluding insulins

A10BA - Biguanides

A10BB - Sulfonylureas

A10BD - Combinations of oral blood glucose-lowering drugs

A10BF - Alpha-glucosidase inhibitors

A10BG - Thiazolidinediones

A10BH - Dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitors

A10BJ - Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analogues

A10BK - Sodium-glucose co-transporter 2 (SGLT2) inhibitors

A10BX - Other blood glucose-lowering drugs, excl. Insulins

B01 - Antithrombotic agents

B01A - Antithrombotic agents

B01AC - Platelet aggregation inhibitors excl. Heparin

C02 - Antihypertensives

C02A - Antiadrenergic agents, centrally acting 


C02C - Antiadrenergic agents, peripherally acting


C02D - Arteriolar smooth muscle, agents acting on 


C02K - Other Antihypertensives


C03 - Diuretics

C03A - Low-ceiling diuretics, thiazides 


C03B - Low-ceiling diuretics, excl. Thiazides 


C03C - High-ceiling diuretics 


C03D - Potassium-sparing agents


C03E - Diuretics and potassium-sparing agents in combination


C03X - Other diuretics


C07 - Beta blocking agents

C07A - Beta blocking agents 


C07B - Beta blocking agents and thiazides


C07C - Beta blocking agents and other diuretics


C07D - Beta blocking agents, thiazides and other diuretics 


C07F - Beta blocking agents, other combinations 


C08 - Calcium channel blockers

C08C - Selective calcium channel blockers with mainly vascular effects


C08D - Selective calcium channel blockers with direct cardiac effects


C08G - Calcium channel blockers and diuretics


C09 - Agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system

C09A - ACE inhibitors, plain 


C09B - ACE inhibitors, combinations 


C09C - Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBS), plain 


C09D - Angiotensin II receptor blockers (ARBS), combinations 


C09X - Other agents acting on the renin-angiotensin system 


C10 - Lipid modifying agents

C10A - Lipid modifying agents, plain

C10AA - HMG coa reductase inhibitors

C10AB - Fibrates

C10AC - Bile acid sequestrants

C10AD - Nicotinic acid and derivatives

C10AX - Other lipid modifying agents

C10B - Lipid modifying agents, combinations

C10BA - Combinations of various lipid modifying agents

C10BX - Lipid modifying agents in combination with other drugs