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Table 3 Findings of content analysis related to expressions of worry in calls regarding severely ill children (Group 3: hospitalized ≥24 h)

From: How parents express their worry in calls to a medical helpline: a mixed methods study

Quotes (meaning units)

Themes, categories and codes


Theme: Reason for worry

“A couple of hours ago, at around seven o’clock, [name] suddenly got this really intense pain in her stomach (…) it happened really fast. Like out of the blue.” (1695)

Category: Loss of control


- Deterioration or symptom changing

- New symptom occurred

- Rapid onset

- Treatment is not working as expected

“Because I never really experienced that, I have three children, right, and I have never experienced any of them having this intense stomach pain.” (2594)

Category: Previous experiences


- Worried due to previous experiences

- Illness unlike previous experiences

- Chronic disease

“-He was diagnosed with right-sided pneumonia, which he got prescribed antibiotics for.


-Eh, I don’t know, I don’t know how long I should like wait and see, but I think he has gotten worse, especially his breathing is worrying me.” (2151)

Category: Illness manifestation


- Breathing difficulty

- High fever

- Intense stomach pain

- Infant

“And coughing, it is hopefully just normal eh, cold or the flu, I don’t know [short pause] what to do” (1585)

Category: Uncertainty


- I don’t know what to do, I don’t understand

“-I’ve been to the doctors twice with her today. This morning she was diagnosed with tonsillitis and [interrupted]

-This morning, you said?

-Yes, this morning. And then she got worse and worse


- and got troubled breathing so I went to the doctor again at 2 o’clock where she said that she could hear a bad pneumonia on the right side.


-So, we were asked to take some more antibiotics and she’d immediately get better. And she’s not, but [interrupted]

-Well, ‘immediately’, that’s such a daft thing to say, I’m sorry but [interrupted]

-It’s not because it should, she only said that she shouldn’t get worse. (2147)

Category: Recent healthcare contact


- Has been to the hospital

- Contact to GP/MH1813

“-But his respiratory rate is 42 and [interrupted]

-That’s because he has a fever.

-No, it’s not. Well yes, it’s natural that his respiratory rate is increased, but not that much. And he’s grunting and having retractions.

-May I hear his breathing?

-Yes, of course (…) I don’t know how much you could hear, but what worries me is his [interrupted]

-May I hear it again? I will make a referral; I just want to hear it myself.”

(2166, caller [father] is a physician)

“-Yes, what seems to be the matter with your son?

-He has [interrupted]

-His name is [name]?

-Yes, that’s right. He has a fever of 39.7 and [interrupted]

-For how long has he had a fever?

-He has had it since afternoon, noon today he has had fever, so I give him (paracetamol) a lot, but it doesn’t help, and he wheezes because [interrupted]

-When did you last give him some [paracetamol]?

-Eh, I gave him last time four hours ago.

-Yes, eh.

-Problem is also, he has asthma and he coughs a lot. I was at the GP today with him, but they say maybe he [interrupted]


-And I have given him the reliev- [interrupted]

-And you have given him medicine?

Yes, I give him acute (broncodilator) [interrupted]

(1588, caller [father] speaks with foreign accent, but quite understandable)

Category: Caller characteristics


- Caller is the mother

- Caller is the father

- Caller is a healthcare professional

- Caller belongs to minority group (potential language barrier)


Theme: Regaining control

“-Okay. And you don’t think it can wait until tomorrow, until our GP opens?

-No, not, the reason why I think it can’t wait is that he’s so young and he has got these, what we call retractions, he uses all of his, his accessory muscles to breathe.


-Mm, so that’s why, and that, that shallow breathing that you’re describing, right, even if


-as you say, his general well-being seems good enough, but [interrupted]

-Yes, because as I said, he’s happy, he’s lying and looking around, right, it’s just … “(1590)

Category: Response to triage decision


- Reluctance to going to the hospital

- Caller still not in control

- Caller has regained control

  1. GP General practice, MH1813 Medical Helpline 1813 (…): a section of the conversation has been omitted