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Table 1 Demographics and pain characteristics of 100, 8–19-year old care-seeking children and adolescents with MSK pain. N = 100. All numbers equals percentages because of the total population of 100

From: Bio-psycho-social characteristics and impact of musculoskeletal pain in one hundred children and adolescents consulting general practice


Age (median [IQR])

13 years [12–16.5]

Sex (n)

Female: 55, Male: 45

Number of siblings (median [IQR])

1 [1–2]

Only child: 7

Position in sibling linea (excluding only children and twins, n = 91)

First: 31

Second: 36

Third/fourth: 21

Youngest: 41

Pain characteristics

Pain duration (median [IQR])

5 months [3 weeks-1 year]

Pain numerical rating scale (NRS) (median [IQR])

7 [6–8]

Multi-site activity limiting pain (n = 53b)

2 sites: 23

3 sites: 14

4 sites: 7

>/= 5 sites: 9

Pain episode duration (n)

< than 3 h: 34

< than 24 h: 24

1–7 days: 24

> than 7 days: 18

Pain episode frequency (n)

=/> once a week: 80

< once a week: 20

  1. Data in Table 1 are based on 97–100% replies.
  2. afifth child, n = 3, twins, n = 2. bfive participants reported only one pain site and this was non-activity limiting – as answer to pain question 3, of these one of the sites were the jaw. (ID 40, 42, 51, 57, 90)