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Table 1 RE-AIM framework, evaluation objectives, indicators, and data sources

From: Evaluation of a social determinants of health screening questionnaire and workflow pilot within an adult ambulatory clinic

Applicable RE-AIM Constructs

Evaluation objectives


Data Source(s)


“The absolute number, proportion, and representativeness of individuals who are willing to participate in a given...intervention...” p.3 [32]

Examine reach in the eligible patient population and across sociodemographic groups

Proportion of 2020 eligible patients who responded to any survey question

EHR data extraction

Sociodemographic comparability of 2020 eligible patients based on survey completeness, overall and by domain

EHR data extraction


“The impact of an intervention on important outcomes, including potential negative effects...[as well as] heterogeneity of effects.” p.3 [32]

Understand effectiveness in identifying patient SDOH needs overall and across sociodemographic groups

Proportion of 2020 participating patients who had an identified SDOH need

EHR data extraction

Sociodemographic comparability of 2020 participating patients based on identified SDOH need

EHR data extraction

Discern staff perspectives on potential impact of pilot survey and standard work on patients

Proportion of staff who identify potential positive impacts on patients

Staff experience survey

Proportion of staff who identify potential negative impacts on patients

Staff experience survey

Discern physician perspectives on the impact of having social needs information on medical decision making

Proportion of physician staff respondents who agreed that having patients’ social needs information would influence medical decision making

Staff experience survey


“The absolute number, proportion, and representativeness of...intervention agents who are willing to initiate a program [and]...Reasons for adoption or non-adoption.” p.3 [32]

Discern staff perspectives in relation to the utility and appropriateness of the pilot survey and standard work

Proportion of staff who agree with the relevance of collecting social needs information

Staff experience survey

Proportion of staff who agree with the utility of collecting social needs information

Staff experience survey


“At the setting level...the intervention agents’ fidelity to the various elements of an intervention’s protocol, including consistency of delivery as intended and the time required.” p.4 [32]

Assess impact on visit length across patient sociodemographic groups

Comparability of 2019 and 2020 visit lengths among eligible patients

EHR data extraction

Sociodemographic comparability of visit length among 2020 eligible patients

EHR data extraction

Discern staff perspectives on barriers to implementation of pilot survey and standard work

Proportion of staff who are knowledgeable about and confident in the implementation of the SDOH pilot survey and standard work

Staff experience survey

Proportion of staff who experienced barriers to implementing the SDOH pilot survey and standard work

Staff experience survey