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Table 2 Barriers and facilitators to implementing DR screening in general practice

From: Barriers and facilitators to diabetic retinopathy screening within Australian primary care


 • GPs’ incompetency to make an accurate diagnosis of DR.

 • Costs of retinal cameras, particularly for small and rural practices.

 • Lack of time within the practice.

 • Unawareness of Medicare incentives for non-mydriatic retinal photography among Australian GPs.

 • Uncertainty about GPs’ role in the retinal screening program.


 • Increase GPs’ access to training on DR grading and detection.

 • A nationwide awareness campaign to increase the uptake of MBS items and roll out DR screening in general practices.

 • Subsidise the cost of retinal cameras, particularly for small or rural general practices.

 • The need for a champion (e.g., nurses) within the practice to ensure the integration and continuity of the service.

 • Uncouple the need to perform both retinal photography and image reporting by GPs.

 • Take advantage of artificial intelligence to facilitate automated DR screening.