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Table 1 Claims based coordination measures

From: Continuity in general practice and hospitalization patterns: an observational study




Usual Provider of Care


\( \max \left(\frac{n_i}{n}\right) \)

Concentration of care with a single provider



\( {\sum}_{i=1}^P{\left(\frac{n_i}{n}\right)}^2 \)

Degree of coordination required between different providers during an episode

Sequential Continuity Index (SECON)

\( \frac{\sum_{j=1}^{n-1}{c}_j}{n-1} \)

Number of handoffs of information required between providers (only values if 2 or more visits)

  1. Formula variables
  2. n: total number of visits during episode
  3. ni: number of visits to provider Pi
  4. P: total number of providers
  5. cj: indicator of sequential visits to same providercj = 1, if visits j and j+ 1 are to the same provider, cj = 0 otherwise