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Table 2 Descriptions and examples of visit openings

From: Agenda setting and visit openings in primary care visits involving patients taking opioids for chronic pain

Type of Visit Opening


Example visits (target lines that define the visit opening have been bolded)


Physician and patient discuss topic(s) without physician first agenda setting.

See examples in open-ended question, patient launch, and physician launch.

Open-ended question

Physician begins visit by asking a broad open-ended question. In response, the patient proposes a first topic and this topic then gets discussed. This open-ended question does not explicitly ask for list of topics, nor is it followed by agenda reframing.

01 PAT: Hello Dr. <Name>.

02 DOC: What brings you in today?

03 PAT: I was trying to get a paper to bring in for you to fill it out, but I didn’t get it.

04 DOC: Paper for what?

05 PAT: Uh-

06 DOC: Disability?

07 PAT: No, from ((inaudible)) housing.

08 DOC: Oh, okay.

09 PAT: You know how they say you’re only eligible for one bedroom apartment?

10 DOC: Mm hmm

11 PAT: And the lady -- uh -- has said -- I was telling her, I said, “Well, I stayed in

12 ((location)),” I said, but they told me I couldn’t stay there by myself.

13 DOC: Mm hmm

14 PAT: I said, so I’m not there anymore. So. She say she mailed tomorrow and get it.

15 DOC: Where are you living now?

16 ((patient’s housing situation continues to get discussed)) Pt 118

Patient launch

Patient begins visit by initiating a first topic, and physician pursues this topic.

01 PAT: Okay. The first thing I wanna ask is the hospital called me about- for pain

02 management from the spine clinic.

03 DOC: Mm hmm

04 PAT: Um, but they won’t do anything until after you give the okay.

05 DOC: Okay. So, my question is, um, I’m not sure if I should- who -did they say

06 exactly how I was supposed to give the okay? Pt 314

Physician launch

Physician begins visit by initiating and pursuing a first topic.

01 DOC: So, the last time you came to our clinic, you had a cough. How is that

02 doing?

03 PAT: Uhh, still around, right? But it’s kind of leaving. Like, for one, she didn’t give me

04 enough medication.

05 DOC: Prednisone, or-? Pt 249


Physician sets an agenda before discussing first topic.

See examples in agenda eliciting and agenda reframing.

Agenda eliciting

Physician begins visit by explicitly asking patient for a list of their topics. While this question is open-ended, the inquiry solicits a narrowed topic list [52].

((visit opens with greetings; COM = patient’s companion))

07 DOC: Was there anything in particular you guys wanted to address?

08 COM: His potassium level

09 DOC: Yeah. Okay.

10 COM: His phantom pain.

11 DOC: Uh huh

12 COM: And uh, the chest X-ray. We never really discussed that last time. Pt 17

Agenda reframing

Visit begins by either the physician asking a broad open-ended question or the patient launching into a first topic (see definitions below). The physician, however, does not engage with the patient’s proposed first topic but instead reframes the patient’s talk into a visit agenda. This definition requires that the opening lines do not meet the definition of agenda eliciting; agenda reframing is counted as agenda setting because the physician pauses to establish the agenda before discussing the first clinical topic.

01 DOC: What can I do for you today?

02 PAT: I’m not doing no good.

03 DOC: Oh, not doing so good? Why is that?

04 PAT: ‘Cuz I’ve been having fever now and then. Then I started coughing, and by now,

05 I’m coughing a lot.

06 DOC: Okay.

07 PAT: And yesterday, I couldn’t even talk, my throat was so bad.

08 DOC: Oh, was it a sore throat?

09 PAT: Mm hmm

10 DOC: Okay. You were coming in today to talk about fever, cough, all those things?

11 PAT: Yeah, ‘cuz I called over here because I haven’t checked my Coumadin yet.

12 DOC: Mm hmm

13 PAT: She told me since I was gonna come over here, it was worth it for me to come and

14 see the doctor.

15 DOC: Okay.

16 PAT: ‘Cuz my legs feel real restless.

17 DOC: Okay. So, well, let’s—we’ve got to, you know, decide, you know, a couple of

18 things to talk about today. It sounds like number one, you were coming in-

19 you have fever and a cough, sore throat?

20 PAT: Mm hmm

21 DOC: Then you say that another thing is, your legs feel restless.

22 PAT: Mm hmm.

23 DOC: Okay.

24 PAT: My legs feel restless a lot. I can’t even stand it sometimes.

25 DOC: Okay.

26 PAT: I keep rubbing my legs on the bed, or one or the other, and it still won’t go away.

27 DOC: Okay. All right. Let’s talk about, first, the fever and cough and all that

28 stuff. When did that start? Pt 432