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Table 3 Implementation of the main suggestions presented at the workshops

From: Development and evaluation of an online education tool on attention deficit hyperactivity disorder for general practitioners: the important contribution of co-production

Suggestions from the workshops


Making two short online resources, one specific to ADHD (Symptoms, epidemiology…) and one specific to the GPs role in diagnosis and treatment

Instead of one module, we separated the content into two modules: “Understanding ADHD” and “The role of the GP in the diagnosis and treatment process”

Including information on the benefits of diagnosis, what can happen without treatment (information on prison statistics, substance abuse, suicidality...)

A page on the risks of undiagnosed and untreated ADHD was added with research statistic accentuating the importance of early intervention

Shorter videos of patients focusing on symptoms

The videos were changed to make them symptom specific. The patients’ testimonies were restructured and six shorter videos were developed focusing on features of hyperactivity, inattention and impulsivity in adults and in children

Adding expert videos on symptomology and secondary care pathways. What happens after a referral

Expert videos were added. Four ADHD experts were filmed to give a specialist opinion on specific topics. A GP with a diagnosis of ADHD, related her lived experience of being both a GP and a patient with ADHD. A lead researcher on ADHD (DD), discussed strategies to help support ADHD patients during the diagnosis process and non-pharmacological approaches. An advanced nurse practitioner and a consultant psychologist, explained the secondary care process following referral

Adding an assessment at the end in the form of a multiple choice questionnaire

A quick assessment on ADHD knowledge was added at the beginning and at the end of the modules to assess any changes in participants’ knowledge

Including information on comorbidities in the form of a diagram

The diagram idea was added to the page on comorbidities in order to improve understanding of overlapping conditions

Including information of ADHD at different ages

An infographic was created to show the development of ADHD symptoms through the ages

Adding access to resources for management and for patients’ information (Parenting websites, ADHD support groups, charities…)

A toolkit was created at the end of the module where many resources on management, support groups, screening etc. can be found

Comprehensive information on treatments

The pages on treatment were expanded to include pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments with details on the specific types of medications

What is the role of the GP?

The first page of the second module included a concise summary of what the role of the GP is exactly, and what it isn’t

Drag and drop activities on myth versus facts

An interactive drag and drop activity was created to address typical misconceptions about ADHD


Suggestions that could not be implemented

Including an example of a consultation

GPs suggested including a video of a mock consultation. While it would have been very interesting to implement this idea, adding an extra 10 min of videos to encompass a whole consultation felt too lengthy. Furthermore, identifying ADHD in patients is very different depending on many factors such as the type of ADHD, the age or the gender and it was felt that we couldn’t represent it all accurately in one mock consultation

Separating clearly child and adult pathways, having a child specific module and an adult specific module

This suggestion was addressed to an extent by clearly specifying the differences in child and adult pathways when relevant. However, it seemed too repetitive to create separate modules for each as a lot of the information overlapped

Information on local pathways

Information on local services and pathways was unanimously the one piece of information GPs wanted to receive the most. However, it is impossible to know the different pathways in each British locality as firstly, there are so many and secondly, services are constantly changing in response to commissioning decisions. However, a statement was added to explain that local services information needed to be sought by the GPs in order to offer best access to care